About the Founder
Hello! My name is Brittane and I am the owner and founder of W.L Mementos Co.

I grew up all over but most of it was done in New Richmond, WI. I have two children; My daughter Lili (12) and My Angel Baby Wells, who passed away in 2023. I am a fur-mama of two Miniature Dachshunds named Roscoe and Rosie. Other than running this beautiful business, I work as a teacher full time during the week and a manager at a Skate Rink on the weekends. You ask how I manage this business too? Honestly? Magic, love and patience. I love to travel, to spend time watching current running mystery/mystical/murder/mystery dramas, laughing with friends, spending time with my kiddo and anything craft related.
My journey to starting this business happened when I did my first piece in 2017, which was a military piece. I then did another military piece after. As life got busy, my passion fell behind and life with moving, college and family took over. In 2022, I became pregnant with my son Wells. I was in absolute bliss adding another perfect one to our family. Wells was born and then a month later, tragically passed away from SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome). Our whole family was and still is in so much grief and sorrow, it was and still is quite unbearable. With this, I started my passion again, as a process to heal and preserve the beautiful memories he gave me. I decided to take a leap and started this company in January of 2024!
The name is based on my own Children; Wells and Lili; Two of my most favorite beings. Just like how much I put my heart into my children, I do the same for my company and the pieces I do for others. Mementos are the things we get from the memories we have and coincidently, what is use inside of your piece. With this, the company name was born: W.L Mementos Co.
Life is truly too short. The memories you make in this lifetime, especially with any event, our hobbies, place, an animal, and a person, only happen once; just like the life we live. The possibilities are endless. Finding a way to preserve that moment can make something truly unique and capture that memory of a lifetime. I hope you find Joy with W.L Mementos Co.
From my Heart to yours,
Brittane Flandrick